Sunday, August 12, 2007

Beautiful Day...

I was blessed with a wonderful weekend. Saturday I ran errands and took care of things at home, in the afternoon I dropped Simone off at her first sleep over with her best friends from daycare -She had an awesome time!. I left then to pick up Jimmy and head off to a barbecue at our lovely friends Ryan & Gemma. It was wonderful to drink a bit and chat a lot with Poly and see her lovely baby girl Sylvana. There was another baby there, Abby and it made me realize that it I would love to have a baby. Just a thought...

Today we went to Tarara for a family lunch. Jimmy came along and he was wonderful. I am so thankful for our beautiful relationship. We have gone through a whole lot together but the backbone of us, is our love and respect for each other. I am very happy with him and I am happy for have we have built. Despite external circumstances my life is so abundant and rich and wonderful. There are so many beautiful people in my life. I am provided for abundantly everyday and prosperously. I am happy and grateful for today!

Friday, August 3, 2007


so true happiness comes when external circumstances do not affect your mood...lately i live in a state of deep joy and today was just a overwhelming manifestation of miracles.

thank you for everything, thank you for every second of this day.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Hoy aprendi, y mucho, muchisimo. Aprendi que soy bendecida, que tengo abundancia, que tengo TODO. Puedo tener mas y esta bien pero las bendiciones que ya tengo son inmensas. Hoy aprendi que mi vida no es dura, que soy single mom pero no soy madre sola. Tengo muchisimo apoyo de familia y amigos y ademas un ex-esposo que ama a nuestra hija y esta pendiente de cualquier necesidad que ella pueda tener. Que tengo a Dios en mi vida y que en estos 3 anos he conocido mas de cerca su amor para con nosotros y he entendido un poco mas el proposito del dolor en la vida. Que cada reto es una bendicion esperando manifestarse, si tan solo trascendemos el momento y vamos mas alla de nuestra perspectiva limitada. Es mas facil decirlo que hacerlo pero en esas estoy...aprendiendo, despertando.

Hoy ademas quiero darte gracias Dios porque llego dinero de donde no lo esperaba, definitivamente los milagros son enormes y tu provees para todo, solamente hay que confiar en ti. Tener fe. Como puedo yo llevarles a estas mujeres y estos ninos un poquito de este conocimiento...como llevarles a ellos el secreto de que ellos pueden tranformar su que hay maneras de cambiar el mundo. Como hacerlos creer o tener esperanza si la realidad es tan dura. Quiero ayudar, quiero darles algo para que sonrian y tengan un futuro mejor. Y no es un deseo elitista, es un deseo profundo que nunca habia visto antes, pero siento hace rato. Creo que ellas son mi mision. Siempre he dicho que quiero vivir alla en Cartagena, ultimamente siento el deseo de ensenarles a las mujeres a crecer mas alla del dolor y abuso por la pareja. Nosotras nos creamos tanto drama...y yo tan solo voy aprendiendo pero tal vez estas cosas que se estan uniendo dentro de mi son el comienzo de algo mas grande, el comienzo de mi proposito. Thank you father mother God. Thank you for so much and for everything.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A troubled heart...

I have not been feeling my best. It is weird how when things don't flow or don't seem clear it is hard to see the light. I am remaining come and I know and acknowledge all the blessings in my life and yet I feel nervous, and anxious and not in the best of moods. I need to rescue myself again, and feel light and happy and full of hope...but somehow I am not. I am going to watch a movie, relax, meditate, watch the secret in the morning and continue my journey. I know the blessings will bloom soon, I know that this too shall pass and that it will all be alright just that right now a part of me is resisting to surrender and believe. It is a challenging journey a life of faith.